i Smart Business Opportunity!

I Smart is a Service Consultant support platform from elite life. A service consultant represents the company in their given area to handle customer service. They are responsible in delivering good service to each and every customer in their territory. They have a key role in resolving any customer issues promptly and fostering positive customer experiences. They are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and building long-lasting relationships. Like any business, the more customers you have, more income you will get.

This business opportunity now available in your region with low investments and minimum efforts.
If you have confidence & experience in handling customer service, shall work as our Service Consultant.


Your ability to lead and work as a team brings in more rewards than any other opportunity.


Company is doing all types of marketing to get you leads. This leads from your territory will be provided to you after validating.


Home care Industry is expected to grow more than 30% for the next few years. Rising employment nle


Who is your customer, What is he? How he look like.. You get well defined customer avathar

Easy Start

1.Quick to start: Searching for opportunity is time consuming.

2. Low investment

3. Ready to start


House maintenence is one of the highest income providing industry in India & abroad.

Better income opportunities


Customer is demanding your service


Company is doing all types of marketing to get you leads.

Regular Work

Due to regular marketing we are getting regular work,


The given area is sole under your control.

Amazing Rewards

Non financial performance based rewards gives grater opportunity.

Future proof

Due to fast paced urban development that is happening in our region, the future of our service is brighter than ever..


Due to regular marketing we are getting regular work,


The given area is sole under your control.


Non financial performance based rewards gives grater opportunity.


You can even become a director of this promising organization..


Being a part of Platform business the latest trends.


Being the part of big network is reducing your risk.


You shall withdrew from the network with no obligation.


Low investment, higher rewards provides higher security than any other opportunity. You will be properly covered with adequate insurance…

Interested.. How to become a Service consultant?

Follow our process to understand more about this opportunity..

Apply online

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Attend the presentation

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Understand the Opportunity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Choose your option..

There are different types of Service consultants in our company, depending on your ability to handle customers and your team of experts..