"Success is a way of life.. not a destination!"

Get Ready.. Next Level of Success is here for you!

As a successful person you already know, that delegation is the key to achieve next level of success. It gives you more time to prepare for yourself, in developing new skills & knowledge, helps to meet new challenges.. Success is sure to flow.

As practicing professionals, we stand by your side to help you achieve your life dreams, That’s Elitelife promise!

More over beyond our expectation, there is only one life for us to fulfill our dreams..

As professionals we care about your home , Wealth care & Lifestyle needs when life makes you busy..

Elite life -Solutions to create your own lifestyle, ever better..

How to live rich & comfortable?  people use to ask to themselves.. Only one way.. Just focus! focus on what produces income for you, may be your profession, skill set or business! Focusing on this will help you gain more income.

You may have already noticed that some times your focus is being diverted to other things, which causes income loses.  May be some of them are due to home needs or personal needs, because you don’t have a person to care for it!  Now trust us, for a sure help! 

Here we are presenting a solution that provides trained personals to delegate things to save your valuable time.  Just inform us.. We will come, assess your needs and give you service on ‘hourly rates’ as per the skill set requirements. You just need to start a chat on your requirements through a WhatsApp Message!

Our promise..

‘Elitelife’ your Home & Personal care services brand in India, promises to offer services that let you reach elite class lifestyle right at your home. We offer high value services for you in creating, protecting & maintaining, your assets.

Our Specialities


We focus on priority customer service. Depending on their requirements we prioritize our customers, so we shall provide quick and easy service according to their demand. There are One time & regular customers.


We focus on your personal and home care needs. We provide services in creation, protection & maintenance for your valuable assets. We give high priority to your asset protection & maintenance  as we know that you put lot of efforts, time & value in reaching them.


We use advanced technology & systems to deliver superior  customer experience to our clients.  All supports are available through quick chat at any time.

We focus on your Personal and Property care needs. We provide services in creation, protection & maintenance for your valuable assets. We give high priority to your asset protection & maintenance  as we know that you put lot of efforts, time & value in reaching them.

Home Care

In Most cases our most valuable asset we invested in, is our living home.  We give great importance to it. That’s is why we like to start our services with Home care services.  We provide a wide range of services that are required to take care of your homes clean, neat and error free.  Home care services cover a wide range of essential tasks and maintenance for your house. Think home cleaning, plumbing, electrical work, pest control, home security, repairs, and even specialized services like carpet cleaning, curtain cleaning or appliance installation. Need to spruce up your place with some professional touch or thinking about any specific service right now? Sure we shall help! We will send you a trained and experienced professionals only.. may take some time. But surely do!

Our Services
House Cleaning
House Maintenance
Property Management

House cleaning shall be a time consuming task for some home makers, especially when they have other responsibilities related to work or profession. This results in two things, it adversely affects your performance in your job/ profession, Secondly it shall affects you & family with lower health & wealth. We are presenting one time home service or regular home service for your convenience, most needed to keep clean & hygienic homes. Keep your head up at home and at office!

Home consists of a number of appliances to help you at your domestic work. Some times these appliances shall require services due to regular usage. Some parts shall require replacements. This may cause to affect your speed and efficiency at home.  For this we have special package with our regular cleaning services. You needn’t have to bother about any appliances, Electrical and water connections, Flooring and roofing, furniture related, painting related, for any such problems we have people trained to solve.

Everybody is interested to invest in Land and Buildings, that’s real estate. To get real returns from your investment requires periodic maintenance. Needs to pay fees & taxes to the government. Proper fencing requires to prevent trespassers and en-crocheters. Also need to cut down bushes & unnecessary trees periodically. If you have a building it also need to keep neat and find a proper tenant for regular income..

As you know, Elite lifestyle means a superior lifestyle to you and family. Lets check How we work for you!  To start an elite life journey we need to go hand in hand by creating wealth and Health management, two important factors that decides our lifestyle.

Wealth Care

Wealth Creation

Do you know the term Money and Wealth are different? Wealth creation starts with Income, that is money, when changed to savings that reaches to investment & asset building, its called Wealth. These assets needs to be utilized for creating further income. All these investment process needs to be protected against any risks that may arise in between.  The journey through these process of a person’s life is called his lifestyle.  When you build your lifestyle, it should act as an investment for your family’s future, your legacy continues for tomorrow and ever.

Wealth Protection

Good habits form your life more healthier.  Factors like aging & medical conditions shall affect our health. We all know the so called tasty foods are not always good to our health. It may also cause obesity and there by early stage diabetes & higher blood pressure.  Many farmers in our country now focusing on organic farming to avoid impact of pesticides & fertilizers in food items.  To stay healthy we need to take cautious steps in drinking qualified water adequately to consumption of healthy food with participating in physical activities.

Wealth Management

Preserve what you need.. Your space and its content is spacious and cozy like a star hotel suite or resort apartment. You can proudly live there and shall welcome your gusts and family members.  They all will be treated with respect as your gusts.

Lifestyle Care

Let us check some of your advantages on moving to the elite life gated community..

Elite Living

We are creating  independent & premium Villas and Apartments for selected community members based on predetermined criteria. These secured & serviced gated communities comes with all necessary amenities and in house services for a lifetime premium retirement life.

Health Management

As a Elite living community member you do not have to do your regular home living activities. Your regular cooking, house cleaning like home chores along with other personal assistance and medical assistance are taken cared by trained staffs.  

Senior Care

As a senior you may sometimes need support from trained helpers and nurses. We have 24 hours support system in place for your ready assistance and support.

Quick & easy bookings
Safe & Secure

Each and every person is different by virtue, so is your life. You only can define your life goals and standards of living. But some times we are unable to define what we want.. So if requires, we shall sit with you and do a rigorous brainstorming to reach at it. This needs to be documented properly to ensure clarity.

Linking your goals to a time based process frame work helps you to reach at it easily and quickly.  As you know when the plans are properly set you have passed half the way to your goal.

Now three important things have fixed, what, when & how? Now you know these are your defined goals, You are the person to achieve it.. But here you requires some support to achieve these goals on time. We have set a team of skilled supporters who stands behind you to achieve your goals. Target accomplished!!

"Your quality of life depends on the relations you keep in the society."
Lori Bryson
'Elite life' is for a superior lifestyle for you & family!

We work everyday to improve our lifestyle, the style in which we leave. If it seems better than yesterday we say we are improving. But do you think that improvement is enough.. 'Elite life' has a unique solution on building superior lifestyle to the deserved on a faster & better way. That is a step by step model, as a first step for you to start is a discussion on understanding the importance of developing a solution.

Here we gather as a community to evaluate the common problems faced in building lifestyle. This helps us to grade in stages with in the community, as a layer, after many stages we shall sort all the requirements we find to reach quicker. If you are interested to join this community for developing a solution to build superior lifestyle for yourself in the near future, you may also join this community for discussions. We have listed down all the problems to create a working solution for you to create a superior lifestyle. This is a community run by Elites for creating elites. Each member in this community has special right to ask for any support at any time. Your voice is heard, your question is answered, as we listen carefully.

Happy Clients

Privacy of clients is important to us.  We do not share any of our clients details to anyone as per our privacy policy declared.

The care and attention to my investments i got was superb. Let me say, I am really delighted to recommend my friends and relatives to their service All the best to keep up your spirits.
George Mathews
I am happy I was able to manage my investments well, Their suggestion were on time and it really worked well in creating a really good corpus from my regular savings.
Maria philip
I was in trouble in managing my business revenue, There business tools helped me well to cover my early stage losses Now I successfully made my reserves to meet any contingencies in my life.
Ravindra madhav

Articles & Blogs..

We are happy to share our knowledge for your benefits. Just read and share your thoughts here..

Courses Image

March 12, 2021

The quality of your life is a subset of your own thoughts..
Courses Image

March 12, 2021

How to advise your children without affecting their ego?

Our Team

Our team consists of  experienced professionals from the field of wealth, finance, Health, happiness, wellness, lifestyle building etc. If you are willing to help others with your time, knowledge and experience in the above sectors shall be welcomed.. just click the link bellow..